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Innovation Unit Site Worth A Visit; Their New Report Features High Tech High and Project-Learning

Posted on | April 21, 2012 | Comments Off on Innovation Unit Site Worth A Visit; Their New Report Features High Tech High and Project-Learning

The growing literature on rigorous project-based learning includes a new report by Alec Patton of the Innovation Unit in London, Work That Matters. It is built in part around the experience of High Tech High in San Diego, and also includes vignettes from the Chramlington Learning Village in Northumberland, UK, and the Beal Elementary School in Springfield, MA.  The report was also supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

The book includes the basics of project-based-learning—exhibition, multiple drafts, and critique—and provides lots of examples, resources, and even forms for teachers to use.  It, along with recent postings by Edutopia, is a good place to start for teachers and schools exploring how to better engage students.

The Innovation Unit, itself, is also worth a visit.  The organization exists to bring radical innovation to the public services, particularly in education, early childhood services, local government, and health.  Its board is chaired by Australian educator Tony Mckay.

Their work in education struck me in part because of the similarity between some of their ideas, such as 10 Ideas for 21st Century Learning and the set of ideas I’ve been writing about in the Learning 2.0 series of posts.  Their site is well worth a visit.


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Charles Taylor Kerchner is an Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Fellow at Claremont Graduate University. My daily musings appear in the blog. The archives of my EdWeek blog are available via link under the 'On California' head. Some of my photography can be seen by clicking on 'Gallery.' And numerous links to academic work and other research and commentary can be found by clicking on 'Projects.'


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