“A New Culture Of Learning”: Dewey Redux
Two of the gurus of the Internet age have written a charming, compelling, and ultimately romantic book about what learning could be. In the opening pages of A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change, Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown lay out the dimensions of “arc of life” […]
Why Now? The Dark Days Possibilities of Learning 2.0
[A revised version of this post appears in Thoughts on Public Education.] As I was thinking about writing this post, my attention wandered (yes, it does) to Stephen Sawchuk’s Education Week story about Monica Iñiguez, a 4th grade teacher in Los Angeles Unified who has received her third budget-driven pink slip in six years of […]
Fasting Because Budgets are Moral Documents
The practice of fasting is testament-honored but not much practiced these days, as any trip to the shopping center or the movie snack bar will reveal. But starting this week, I along with more than 20, 000 Americans will be partial fasting for economic justice. Jim Wallis and a number of other clergy have announced […]