
Charlet T. Kerchner / MindWorkers

Nomadland: Exploring America’s Mobile Army of Older Workers

Jessica Bruder’s superbly-crafted book about wandering workers pitches itself as a mixture of resilience and economic fragility, of strong wills and empty gas tanks.  It is that, certainly, and more.  It’s a jumping off point for a reflection on how America got to the place that a RV army of at least 20,000 roams the […]

Retirement 075, a Remedial Course

Retirement 075 This is a remedial course for students who have previously experienced a lack of success with retirement.  It is to be expected that an intensive review of the basics will be necessary as well as modeling and intervention by those who have been successful in separating themselves from employment.  This is a year-long […]

Five Days in La La Land: Hiding in plain sight in Hollywood

Leanne and I have explored Paris on the #69 bus that goes to the Pere Lachaise cemetery and Florence, where the #7 bus goes up the hills for a view of the city.  We visited Berlin when we were young, before the Wall went up, and when we were old after it came down.  We […]

Retirement, Week 2: Driven to write about Boyle Heights protests

This isn’t going so well.  I am having news withdrawal symptoms.  I look at some of the Twitter feed and the email subscriptions I get every day and think them boring.  But my fingers want to be on a keyboard, and there are ideas out there that need exploring. I’ve been fascinated by the Boyle […]

On the First Week of retirement…

On the first week of retirement my true love gave to me….  A list of all the things I hadn’t done around the house while using writing the EdWeek column as an excuse.  Since I’ve been a workaholic for a long time, the list is long. Neighbor Arthur’s elm was brushing against the tile roof […]

Where in the world is @CTKerchner

Soon, maybe already, ‘On California’ will no longer be listed among the active blogs at EdWeek.org.  It should be available in the archive at the bottom of their blog listing. I will be jotting things here at mindworkers.com and probably, because I can’t help myself, at other locations.  


Charles Taylor Kerchner is an Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Fellow at Claremont Graduate University. My daily musings appear in the blog. The archives of my EdWeek blog are available via link under the 'On California' head. Some of my photography can be seen by clicking on 'Gallery.' And numerous links to academic work and other research and commentary can be found by clicking on 'Projects.'


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