D.C. School Cheating Issue Calls Test-Driven Incentives into Question
This post can also be found at EdSource The smoke surrounding allegations of test score cheating in the Washington, D.C public schools burst into flame last week. In a 4,300-word blog post, titled Michelle Rhee’s Reign of Error, the veteran educational journalist John Merrow linked the former schools chancellor with documents that suggest that she […]
Big Money and the School Board: An Annotation of a “L.A. Times” Op-Ed
[This story has also been posted at Ed Source.] The Los Angeles Times Monday printed an op-ed piece I wrote about last week’s school board election, where a coalition of deep pockets givers spurred by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa spent over $63 per vote. It was not only big money but also money badly spent. (Read […]
Rainy Day Musing about Tests and Property Rights
It’s a rainy day in Claremont: a good day to muse over the blogs and emails. Teacher boycotts of standardized tests in Seattle have taken a new turn. District superintendent José Banda has ordered administrators at Garfield High School to give the tests instead of the teachers giving them, according to The Seattle Times. At […]
“I would prefer to trust our teachers…”
California’s Back! Gov. Jerry Brown did himself proud in Thursday’s state-of-the-state speech, and he did California proud, too. In the details of the speech, there are prospects for boldness, greatness, and innovation, not the tire patching and gridlock we’ve experienced as government. Others will comment in great length on the wisdom of the San Joaquin […]
Some Post-Election Thoughts about God’s Politics
In the run-up to the election season, I gave a little talk based on Jim Wallis’ book God’s Politics, extending his ideas about prophetic politics—“not future telling, but articulating moral truth”—to big-issue organization in congregational and community life. That talk, including stories of the prophets in my own life, is available by clicking here. But […]
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