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Negotiating What Matters Most: Collective Bargaining and Student Achievement
Authors: Charles Taylor Kerchner and Julia Koppich
Contact: Authors

Abstract:Despite a statutorily narrow scope of bargaining, the scope of topics of union-management discussions has widened over the last 20 years, resulting in the birth of reform, or professional, unionism. But over the last half decade, professional unionism has waned. School management often refuses to see unions as partners, politicians fail to view unions as legitimately speaking for education change, and unions themselves are reluctant to assume added responsibility. This article advocates a change in labor law, requiring union and management to negotiate student achievement goals, as a way of beginning to change these dynamics. For the full text in pdf format

We would be most interested in discussing our proposal with teachers, unionists, school administrators, and other scholars.


Date submitted: 08/15/2008
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